Digital advertising is changing: virtual reality and augmented reality marketing strategies have matured to a position of true viability so that marketers can offer consumers far more entertaining, compelling and immersive ad campaigns that inspire personal affinities with brands.
There’s a new excitement in the marketing industry. We’ve been in a stage where many people in tech, strategy, brand management, media planning and buying have been dealing so much with the problems faced by digital advertising – using data and metrics, managing mobile, viewability, ad blocking, ad fraud, user experience and more – that much of the fun of digital advertising has fallen by the wayside.
Fundamentally, new creative approaches and radical marketing tactics have taken a back seat, leaving many consumers uninspired by the ads that they’re served. But now, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) marketing strategies have matured to a position of true viability so that marketers can offer consumers far more entertaining, compelling and immersive ad campaigns that inspire personal affinities with brands.
AR and VR ads bring new levels of functionality to advertising that mean consumers will interact with brands in whole new ways. They’re not just advertisements as we’ve known them previously, whereby consumers simply observe commercial information that’s presented to them. AR and VR ads enable people to virtually experience products and services. They can try on make-up and clothes (see video below); attend a pop concert; look around a holiday resort; or be a character in a branded game – and they don’t need to visit a store to do so.
You can read the full article by Vibrant’s Founder and Executive Chairman Craig Gooding here, as featured in Global Marketing Alliance